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My New "About the Author" Blurb

It’s been a few years since I updated my “about the author” blurb. The last time I wrote one, I was unmarried, childless, and living through a pandemic with my boyfriend in our two-bedroom apartment in Toronto. Now, I’m a wife, mom, and published author. How often is often enough to update your author bio? I’m thinking every couple of years. Unless something drastic changes.

However, for my author photos, I’m contemplating taking a new one for each book that fits the vibe of the story. Thoughts?

Anyway, here’s my new “about the author” blurb that I’m using for my new book, Thirteen Emotions.

Melina Maria Morry is a full-time author and former fashion copywriter. Born and raised in Victoria, Canada, she studied journalism in Sydney, Australia before moving to Toronto, where she published her debut novel, The Manhattan Mishap. Melina currently resides in Los Angeles with her husband, twin boys, and puppy.

Keep an eye out for news about when Thirteen Emotions will be publishing. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for later this year.
